Well, Thanksgiving is over. Some of the shows went along as usual and others took a break. It did give me a chance to catch up on The Big Bang Theory and it was soooo funny. I found, some shows are funny over and over even in re-runs. Others, not so much.
The Fashion Show had a challenge to make looks for femme fatales. Calvin is now in House of Iman and seems to get along w/ the people much better. Sometimes there's a chemistry that just doesn't work. You don't notice his bad accent when he doesn't speak so much. Cesar is in House of Emerald and they seem to be leaning on him a lot. House of Iman has a knack of choosing good material so even if their looks are kind of cheap, it doesn't show. The House of Emerald seemed to think femme fatale meant hooker look. Golnessa made the ugliest dress I've ever seen. In the end, House of Iman won again. The black girl in House of Emerald made a pants outfit that I thought was cute and looked like a modern femme fatale. The judges disagreed and sent her home. What do I know? I thought, at least, the judges would give her credit for making so many pieces in such a short time and the outfit fit the model like a glove. Oh well.
Hell's Kitchen is down to 5 chefs. For the luxury challenge, the chefs had to serve a dish out of lunch trucks to business people. Typical Californians. They chose the salad as the best dish for lunch. Russell made Octopus. Really? Most Americans only really like it if it's hidden under breading. So that oriental girl won and was treated to a makeover and she needed it. At dinner, the chefs seemed to regress. Jillian didn't know how to make scallops and asked, "How hard can they be?" Well, obviously, they're a little tricky because it took her at least 5 tries before she got it right. Then she didn't seem to know how to cook the fish right. Um...what week are we in? The 10th or so? The chefs were so discombobulated, they drove Chef Ramsey crazy and he had to leave the restaurant to decompress. Russell and Nona tried to run the pass but found, if your chefs aren't turning out adequate food, it's kind of tough. I admire them for keeping the standard high while Ramsey was AWOL. When Ramsey came back, the chefs had pulled their finger out and finished dinner service. That oriental girl had been kicked out for doing a sucky job at garnishes. In the end, she was also sent home. That shows. Just because you win the luxury challenge doesn't mean you're safe.
I quit watching the Biggest Loser after the season where the fatties became really cutthroat. The season w/ the father who kept saving himself and his son when they didn't really deserve it ticked me off. Then the next season, the butter-body bitches just really turned me off. Also, I'm so sick and tired of Bob and Jillian I can't take them anymore. I will, however, tell you how the show is going. The people are losing amazing amounts of weight. There's a lot of obvious advertisement going on and the person who's lost the least weight is probably still there cuz they're in an alliance. I guess they got makeovers last week. BFD, they do that every year and drag out all the sobbing. Ick.
On Dancing w/ the non-Stars, it was the finals and I'm guessing Jennifer Grey won. There it is. End of story.
Skating with the Stars is now on ABC and I can't wait to see it. I guess some of the stars are Bethenny Frankel (she's a star?), Vince Neil and others. I can't wait to see it because there's a lot more falling in this show and it's just so funny to watch the wobbling too.
Survivor had it's deleted scenes and recap show. Booooooring! The one thing I wanted to see was the reaction of the people who had won their picnic prize to come home and see all the burnt stuff. They didn't show that. Instead, they seemed to want to make Nyonka not seem so bad. Too late now. They also seemed to want to make people appear smarter and nicer. Too late! Instead, we now think the producers and director are dumber than a box of rocks.
America's Next Top Model was down to the final four. The girls and had a go see w/ the head of Vogue Italia. First the girls were given tips from Andre Leon Talley to make themselves better since they didn't do so well on their previous go sees. Ann tried to be more interesting but didn't quite pull it off but the lady loved her look. Yeah, cuz she's a walking hanger. Chelsea won. This girl really looks like a young Lauren Hutton. For the photo shoot, the girls had to do a weird moving thing that Tyra made into a fashion old world montage. I don't know why it was so much fashion when there were so many close ups. Whatever. Chelsea won that too. 2 girls were eliminated leaving Ann and Chelsea to fight it out in the finale. It oughtta be good. We'll see if Ann can keep from walking like Frankenstein.
The Apprentice was also down to the last 4. This week, Brandy was sent to work w/ Lisa so it's boys against girls again. I'm not so sure that was fair. The teams then had to sell Mizrahi products on QVC. None of the items were men's line either. That was not fair at all. I thought Clint did a really good job as PM but in the end, the economy bit them hard. People aren't impulse buying things over $100 anymore like they used to. I did love the scene at the negotiating table because they had to hammer out what products they'd get and who would go first. I hope Trump saw that and was as impressed as I was. They pretended they wanted 2 items (that they didn't really want) and one was wanted by the women. The watch seemed to be the thing in common. The guys then said, they'd give up the watch if they could have their choice of going 2nd. In the end, the men got exactly what they wanted and the women never really knew they had been duped. Unfortunately, even being brilliant won't always win the task and the men lost. I mean, come on. Who are you going to buy from? A woman who knows her stuff or a straight guy trying to sell a woman's item? I liked that Trump asked what education creds the guys had. Clint was really impressive. He has 2 degrees and one is law. You could see Trump sit up higher and look at Clint w/ more respect. So Stuart w/ his accounting degree was sent home. I'd like to know. How come Stuart's hair looks like Ace Ventura's? It was very distracting. I recently found out the show's not pulling in ratings. How come? These candidates are desperate for this job and are scrappers. I think people got tired of Trump and his previous 2 hour shows.
I've been watching the very short season of the auditions of The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. Kelly and her co-owner are even tougher this year. I was getting tired of the same girls trying out and making it into camp. So far, those girls' hopes were dashed forever w/ Kelly telling them they'd never make it even if they tried out again. Good! Everytime they make it, they take the place of someone who's really good and could make it. The younger people are more nervous and so probably aren't very good at the initial audition. So bye bye to Rachel Buckmaster and Meagan Flaherty forever! I also like to see that there are no shoe-ins.
The Amazing Race went to Hong Kong. Even though Jill and Thomas had a huge lead, everybody ended up on the same flight. I don't know why Brooke and Claire had to ask them why they u-turned them. Well, duh. It's because they're afraid of how good you are. In Hong Kong, the roadblock involved trying to find a fake food on a huge buffet table of chinese food. There seemed to be a lot of sushi on the table. Really? I thought that was Japanese. Anyway, any food they touched that was real, they had to eat. Let the hilarity ensue. There were pulled faces and lots of puking. The clue asked, "Who's feeling peckish?" Now why would you think that had anything to do with Karaoke? I thought Claire was the smart one of that pair but I was wrong. The detour was interesting because the teams all had to hunt for specific things in the dark. In the end, the goth couple came in last, very late and with a 6 hour penalty. But...this was a non-elimination leg. Oh boy! Oh BTW, Nat and Kat came in first. These girl teams are rockin' this year.
I Love Money is down to 6 people. Punisher is acting like he's totally in control and well...he is. He has the dumbass majority on his side and he's the strongest and smartest of that group too. I loved the challenge. First the contestants were weighed, then they had to stuff as much food and liquid in themselves and see who gained the most percentage of their weight. Punisher was right to drink a lot of water. Not only does it weigh a lot but it goes through the stomach faster. The funny part was the money lovers jumping on the scale to weigh before they puked. OMG, some barely made it and then when one puked, it made the others want to puke. I thought it was totally funny. I think Brooklyn puked more than he ate, so he probably lost weight in the end ha ha ha. The other thing I loved was, the dead last loser was immediately sent home and it was Britannia. Yay! She was hiding behind Punisher long enough and sucks at everything. Punisher really milked his paymaster role too. Mindy stood up for herself in the vault and Punisher said he respected that. I did too. He got to choose who's checks went into the box and was gracious enough to give Mindy a break for once. At the outing, the group was supposed to be treated to massages but the guys and Hotwings ended up pampering Punisher. What a brat he was too; smacking his lips at Hotwings for food and holding his hands out to the guys to be massaged. In the end, I think Hotwings got the boot.
Okay, well, Top Chef Allstars will be here this week and I can't wait to see it. The holiday movies are in full swing and I'm loving that too. So keep watching and stay tuned. See ya next time people!
Monday, November 29, 2010
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I Love Money is down to 6 people. Punisher is acting like he's totally in control and well...he is. He has the dumbass majority on his side and he's the strongest and smartest of that group too.
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