Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's happenin' TV world?

I've watched a few new TV shows.

The Event is very confusing. It was unclear what they were calling the event. Was it saving the drowning guy? Was it the wife disappearing? Was it the airplane hijacking by John Ritter's son? Not only that, they kept jumping around in time and by the end of the episode, I was totally confused and wondered where I was in my own world. Nobody likes to think too hard when watching tv. At least not for a whole hour.

The Defenders has 2 really cute things going for it: Jim Belushi and Jerry O'Connell. The 2 guys together are fun and the show has that Boston Legal pace. The scenes with Belushi's character's little boy are real snorers but maybe the producers will learn to cut the sap out. As you would expect in a city like Las Vegas, the cases are a bit outrageous but if you've ever experienced Vegas society, you wouldn't be surprised.

Raising Hope is the cutest sitcom to come along in a long time. It's kind of like My Name is Earl on a more domestic level. Who knew Martha Plimpton had comedy chops? They need to include Cloris Leachman more because at her age, she still lights up the screen and she's always hilarious even when she doesn't say anything.

Okay, so I'm still not watching Dancing w/ the non Stars but I guess Sarah Palin made a showing. OMG, I thought Obama was a media hog. I'm hoping it'll at least keep her from making her home in the white house. As I expected, Jennifer Grey is running away with the show. I'm done.

On Top Chef: Just Desserts, the chefs were introduced to the sundae making quickfire. Seth flipped his lid and ended up looking like an immature dumbass and riding off the show in an ambulance with padded walls. Yeah, I think he's way beyond Prozac. Anyway, Morgan won both the quickfire and the elimination and his head has swelled. The chefs had to work in teams of 3 for the elimination. Heather with the forehead wound was brought back to annoy us with her mopey self, Malika fell on her sword and asked to go home. Poor Johnny Uzzini can't believe his show is crumbling around him and you can hear Colicchio laughing in the wings. Pastry chefs are really bizarre.

On Survivor the older tribe is looking for a leader and nobody really wants to step up. Aren't those guys old enough to take care of themselves? In a game where you can be voted off for not being liked, nobody really likes to be the bossy one. On the younger tribe, it's really split. Nyonka and her friend finally figured out the hidden immunity idol clue and found it lying right on top of the ground. I think the producers thought they were going to be too stupid to find it by digging. The next day, everybody else started looking for the hidden immunity idol. Really? What the heck else do you have to do? Why aren't there divets all over that freakin' island? So Nyonka's friend spilled the beans to her friend that the HII had already been found. I'm guessing that's not going to be good for someone. The challenge was the old yell at blindfolded tied together teammates to find stuff. The younger tribe decided to use the medallion of power due to their inability to get along in close proximity of each other. They won by a lot w/ the older tribe swearing they only lost by a small margin. Whatever! The younger tribe got the prizes and the immunity idol and Sears got a big ad spot. So we go by the rule of, the most annoying person gets booted out and that was Jimmy T. It was probably that hugging thing he tried w/ people after the last tribal council. Bye Mr. fisherman who never caught a fish.

Project Runway is coming down to the final designers. So what do they do? They bring back old booted out bitter designers. Oooh, so much fun to see Ivy's sour face again. Not! The designers are supposed to use Heidi Klum's material to make a look for Heidi, to be sold on-line blah blah blah. While on their own, the designers are visited by not only Tim Gunn, but by Heidi too and she's very critical which makes for a lot of eyerolling. Mondo and Gretch the wretch are over her, Christopher is peeing in his pants and Michael C is still starstruck. So after that, they're told they have to do 2 more looks with help from past designers as their worker bees. Oh boy! Ivy and Christopher are paired together and Mondo gets Valerie. Ivy is her sweet self and accuses Michael C. of sticky taping his clothes onto his model. Tim Gunn calls them all together to poo poo the accusation and basically says, "Shut up and get back to work!" I'm not sure what activity these designers were thinking people were going to be doing in their looks but it didn't look like activewear to me. Since when are flowy clothes made for being active? You don't see many people riding bikes or playing golf in flowy loose clothes or triple layers. In the end, Mondo won again and Ivy proved she really does suck because Christopher was booted and she did his sewing. Schwing!

Hell's Kitchen had it's switcheroo. Melissa was sent to the men's team and Trevor was sent to the women's team. First, Sabrina's still being lazy and then playing the victim. This time the teams had to cook for the Beverly Hills High prom w/ the prom committee choosing among their dishes. The women won a day at the fair and the men had to decorate. The prom went on and in the end, the men really sucked and the camp cook went home (I think). Then the teams had the switcheroo. The theme was ravioli and the chefs had to have their dishes judged. I learned Ramsay doesn't like ravioli that have busted open. The men won this one and went to play golf and have lunch while the women cleaned up and prepped. That night, TV stars were the guests allowed to sit in the kitchen at the chef's tables. Melissa couldn't cook a scallop to save her life and the chef on the women's team doing the meat station put all the steaks at once in the oven overcooking every one of them. There was a whole heckuva lot of yelling from Ramsay. In the end, the women won and Melissa was booted from the show. Bye!

The Apprentice is much better with real working schlubs fighting tooth and nail for the job. This week the teams had to do a viral video for a popcorn company. Masa or whatever that fighting chiuaua's name is, was the project manager for the women's team and boy was she bossy. Everything had to be her way. I kind of saw that coming. I also saw people on the show I never noticed before. I kept saying, "Who the heck is that?" Whenever they showed one of the team members. The men's team was headed by the big midwest guy. The women made a video of people working out and eating the popcorn. It was quite boring except one rude moment with a guy doing a see food thing to another lady working out in the gym. The men made an event with a lot of popcorn throwing and smacking of the bag. I thought it was really fun but they left out one of the best parts with one guy doing snow angels in the popcorn on the ground. In the end, the men won. Masa was a bear, tiger and shark rolled into one in front of Trump and her BFF from 2 shows ago was fired.

The Amazing Race went to Ghana. The teams ran into taxi problems but the challenges weren't that hard with the women and geeks doing really well. The Americans showed how ignorant they were by not knowing where Ghana was on a map in front of school children. Then nobody could find the puzzle key which was only covering one whole end of a building. The glee guys came in first and the oriental guy and his Dad came in last but it was a non-elimination leg. All I can say is, it must've been really hot for some but not for others which makes me wonder, how much of a time lag there was between the teams. I loved the Dad/daughter team. He's very practical and cool headed and she just goes with the flow. They came in second and he also knew where Ghana was on the map.

The Next Iron Chef has a lot of unknown chefs and then there's Ming Tsai and Pagan. First they had to make breakfast out of coffee and donuts. What? No bread pudding? The first challenge is always the chefs judging each other and it seems they always give it to someone who's not a threat because giving them an advantage doesn't really matter. Okay then. The elimination challenge was to take a well known comfort food like meatloaf or chicken pot pie and redo it. Chef Chauhan won the first challenge and then got to pick which dish each chef had to remake. Ming Tsai and Pagan landed in the bottom and Pagan was sent home. I have to say, the judges this year are really annoyingly pretentious. I can never stand looking at Arpaia's big buck teeth that long anyway. Meanwhile Alton Brown acts like he needs to have a really good poop. Geez!

I Love Money is back and it's full of the same kind of camera hogging drama people. They're recycling the challenges from past shows. This year, they're assigning the captain of the teams for the week which is really good because it keeps one person from each team running things all of the time and other people from just hiding behind others the whole time. Some people are back again. I never care who gets booted but they've been making it surprising every week. These people aren't likeable enough to want to keep around anyway. I'm always glad they're on the other side of the screen. There's a real Eww factor with these people.

Well, that's about all for this week. See ya!

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