Sunday, September 30, 2012

It's Fall, Not a Fail

Autumn is here and so are the new seasons of our favorite and familiar shows.  Of course we go through the cycles of finales and premiers but it's all a part of the TV show life.  It makes it all so exciting. 

The Great Food Truck Race took it's 3 teams to Cleveland.  The truck stop challenge really made no sense and the producers really scrambled to try to use the sponsor (a certain restaurant chain), a seasonal item (beefsteak tomatoes) and the locale all at once.  To boil it down, the teams had to come up w/ a good dish using a huge tomatoe.  Note to the Jersey girls, green tomatoes are best if you're going to deep fry them.  The Pop-a Waffle guys made bruschetta and won.  Well duh.  How come nobody made salsa or pasta w/ marinara?  Don't overthink.  You don't have time for it.  This time, the prize was money for the till but not as much.  The Waffle guys also got 3 more hours to be open for business.  So of course everybody parked, cooked and sold.  You can tell the teams have learned a lot about utilizing their time and resources.  I'm sure they're sending one of their members out to buy new groceries every now and then, but you don't see it.  I also noticed the other trucks take cues off of the Seoul Sausage truck.  I'd like to ask the Koreans where's  the sausage?  I've seen a lot of fried rice balls but not much of the one food that's in the name of your truck.  Whatever.  Anyway, kudos to the Koreans for carving their own path in the race.  So, the speedbump consisted of making the trucks move in the middle of service.  Oh well.  Toward mid afternoon, business always dies down a little.  The Pop a Waffle truck got nervous about it and decided to go chase a better rainbow.  It was a crucial mistake because they ended up stuck in traffic when dinner time rolled around.  Where the heck were they going?  The thing to remember is, when you're rolling, you can't sell any food cuz it's hard for people to throw the money to you.  In the end, even though they won the extra money, Pop a Waffle made the least money and was eliminated.  Next week will be the finale w/ Nonna's Kitchenette against Seoul Sausage.  May the best food truck win!

Face Off never ceases to impress me.  They had a spotlight challenge w/ just overly dramatic makeup.  The men all commented about how they weren't good at it.  I had forgotten that makeup artists do have to do regular beauty makeup for people too.  A good example is Star Trek.  Yes, they made a lot of interesting aliens but the humans were done well too. You could tell cuz they'd take people who weren't all that good looking w/out makeup and they'd be really good looking on the show.  I was disappointed that they didn't show any footage of Roy doing his makeup because it was awesome and he won.  What did he win?  He won what every contestant wants:  immunity.  For the big challenge, the artists had to make a look for a character in the video game Dishonored.  This was the first time I'd heard of steampunk.  It's edgy old fashioned style.  The artists got to choose which type of character they wanted to do and then they did amazing work.  I was impressed by how some made black guys into white guys, women into men, skinny guys into meaty guys and...well, just Wow!  I was wondering if they really had to make the clothes.  Rod had a model who was so good looking I could hardly take it.  Tommy left 2 hours worth of work for his last looks time which was only 1 hour.  It's not good when the judges say, "Oy vey!"  About your work.  Derek made Rod's usual face for his character.  Roy's look was amazing as usual.  I have to say, I couldn't judge the looks if my life depended on it.  They all looked crazy good to me.  In the end, Derek won and Tommy was sent home.  A lot of times in these games, it's all about time management and luck.  Bye Tommy.  You proved you weren't such a douchebag after all.  You had a douchebaggy teammate in that first challenge.

Hot Set had the production designers design a throne room set for an evil queen.  The show looked a lot like last week's w/ the same work going on.  Yawn.  The producers tried to make drama by showing one sent looking quite bare on the 2nd day but the team was working like the Amish.  They built the walls and stuff apart then put it all together in one blow.  Poof!  Done!  One set looked aquatic and the other looked mechanically Star Warsy.  Both sets lacked a throne.  The set that seemed more bare won.  Okay...whatever.  I sense more boredom to come.

Ok, I'm sorry I said one team on Survivor was green but it's actually blue.  Whatever.  I should just rename them the loser team.  Well, anyway they showed what the Philippines have a lot of:  rain.  Here's a good piece of advice.  Moving around helps you stay warm when it's cold.  Unfortunately, the Survivor contestants are all pretty stupid and can't seem to hunt and gather to keep their nutrition up, so they weakly sat around and shivered and whined like pitiful chihuahuas.  The buxom blonde on the blue team cuddled up w/ the young guy and had the rest of the tribe speculating that they were the next Amber and Rob.  The black seminary girl pointed and complained to everyone about it.  She was like a lot of christians; judgemental w/ an acid personality.  She also sat around a lot and prayed out loud.  Ugh.  I hate that.  No wonder primitive people kill the missionaries.  For once, dumbass Russell was laying low and just let her vent to him.  On the yellow tribe, the people sat around complaining about the cold and rain.  Guess what the red team was doing.  Yep, same thing but in a cave away from camp.  It allowed Jonathan to scramble around to look for the HII (hidden immunity idol).  When he finally found it, he danced around and shouted.  You would think the tribe would've realized he found it since there's not much else going on in the camps.  Man, these people are stupid.  Once again, the producers had the luxury challenge and the immunity challenge all rolled into one.  Really?  Some dumbass must've told them, "We wanna see more whining and less action."  Who was that person?  I want to poke their eyes out.  So the challenge was actually 2 rolled into one w/ half of it physical and the other half mental.  The teams had to first drag a sled and gather puzzle pieces and then of course, put the puzzle together.  No food in this win so the goal was just to not come in last.  The blue team proved they're short on both fronts and headed to tribal council for the 2nd time.  Back at blue camp, there was no looking for the HII and there was no real strategizing.  Instead, there was a lot of fingerpointing and excuses.  At tribal council, everyone was so tired Jeff had to drag people out of their shells.  We basically heard the same stuff that they said at camp.  It looked like the vote would be close but it turned out not to be.  Everyone was annoyed by the lazy loudmouthed seminary girl and they gave her the boot.  Bye.  Go off and tell everyone what a blessing from god that was.

Top Chef Masters had it's finale w/ Chris Cosentino and Kerry Heffernan as the final 2.  Doesn't Kerry have the same name as the wife on King of Queens?  I digress.  As usual, the chefs had to make a whole dinner w/ courses.  This time it was linked w/ letters:  love letter, apology letter, thank you and letter to self.  Here's the key.  Just make great dishes and good stories to link them to the stupid letters like, I made a pile of crap to apologize to my wife for not walking the dog.  You get the idea.  W/ the help of their own soux chefs, Kerry made classic and clean looking dishes and Chris went w/ his usual offal offerings.  The real difference was, Kerry had to adjust his dishes when he only shopped at one place and they didn't have everything he really wanted.  Chris was able to make exactly what he wanted and one thing was blood sausage.  Ick.  The judges table consisted of the snootiest food critics they could find.  The pickiest one was really fat so I'm guessing he must really love deep fried butter.  Kerry presented and described his dishes like a maitre'd while Chris presented his dishes w/ so much heart, it made everybody choke up.  It worked cuz he won.  Yay!  He won good publicity for his restaurant and a lot of moolah for his charity.  WTG Chef Cosentino.  I thought you'd pull it off from the very beginning and everyone has forgiven you for yelling at Art.

The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons had a cool challenge.  Of course a lot of the show showed a lot of shenanigans in the house w/ fighting, drunkenness and hookups happening left and right.  What else is new?  For the challenge, they had a good old oil wrestling w/ people going 1 on 1.  I could tell from the changing daylight that it took a looong time to do all of the matches.  For each match, the winner got 1 of 4 pieces of the team's picture icon and got to choose the next matchup. The goal was to get the 4 pieces to finish the icon.  I loved the way the teams figured out how not to really have to play.  A lot of matches were obviously thrown but who can blame them?  I was surprised there weren't a lot of wardrobe malfunctions.  I was waiting for someone to pull down a guy's pants as they fell.  Those editors probably had a huge pile of footage on the editing floor ha ha ha.  The alliances were shown and held up w/ the danglers on the bottom.  It was team Austin losing in the end which wasn't a surprise since half their team was eliminated last week.  They automatically went to the arena.  Another young team won the top spot and sent the fresh meat team, w/ fatty Eric on it, to the arena.  The game chosen was endurance.  Actually, I was disappointed to see the arena game didn't require that much endurance.  It consisted of 2 people from each team shoving balls on  ropes to the other team's side.  Whoever had the most balls on their side lost.  The taller people had the advantage cuz they really didn't have to move too much.  In the end, fatty Eric and ugly Camilla won for their team and the last of team Austin went home.  Bye!  I could tell they really didn't want to be in the game anyway.

Project Runway had the worst challenge ever.  Heidi took the opportunity to advertise her baby clothing line by making the designers make outfits for...wait for it...babies.  Ugh.   Dmitry cracked me up so much this week, my stomach still hurts from laughing.  The funniest thing is he says his hilarious comments w/ such a straight face:  "Heidi has like 105 kids.", "It's like making clothes for cats; literally."  Ok so the designers also got toddlers w/ their mothers as clients.  Poor Christopher got stuck w/ the head of lettuce who liked to throw around designer names.  The cloth and appliques were provided to fit into the already existing clothing line.  Heidi showed up in the workroom and literally told Christopher to drop his idea and make a dress w/ flowers all over it.  Christopher was no idiot, he took the idea and ran w/ it.  Once again, Melissa made her design way complicated.  Oh by the way, did I fail to mention the designers had to do their work w/ those annoying baby dolls they use to teach teens what it's like to be a parent?  I thought that was totally unfair cuz the designers were overly fatigued already.  I would've thrown the dumb doll into the refrigerator.  Then another twist; they had to make a companion look for the Mothers because god forbid the mothers go down the runway in their own clothes.  Luckily, they wouldn't really count.  You mean those stupid kids can't toddle down the runway by themselves?  Aww...why not?  So Mood did get it's promo spot.  I loved when Elena asked why Swatch couldn't be her baby.  No kidding.  The look on Swatch's face was, "No way!"  Okay, so back at Parsons, the producers had mercy and let Tim Gunn take the baby dolls away.  It was so nice of them to make the designers have to have them overnight.  That was just not right.  The designers did an amazing job of slap dashing outfits and dresses together for the mothers.  Christopher's toddler mother must've been told to stop being a diva cuz she was much more accepting and cooperative.  Runway time!  Fabio's little boy had a cute overall and cap thing. Dmitry's toddler was barefoot and in a red onesie hoodie that made him look like a teletubby crayon.  Melissa's had a white too tight dress w/ a vest that was totally not made for an active toddler.  Christopher had made the exact dress that Heidi told him to make w/ a jacket.  Elena made a cute outfit but didn't match the colors well at all.  Sonjia made the cutest grey pants outfit w/ black patches on the elbows and knees and a cute baby pullover top underneath.  People commented that the neckline was large.  Well yeah.  It has to go over that huge head.  In the end, there were 2 winners (for boy and girl) and it was Sonjia and Christopher.  Elena's luck finally ran out and she was sent to designer purgatory.  Bye Elena, you got eliminated when we started to like you.  Oh well.

America's Next Top Model seems to have less teaches than usual.  Okay, yes the audience has seen them all but these models need the teaches.  Oh well.  Instead, they're showing a lot of drama in the house.  Some of the girls are above that so it seems the less intelligent girls fight amongst themselves.  The photoshoot consisted of steampunk.  Wow!  This is the 2nd time in the week I've heard of this after never hearing of it before.  How old am I?  So this time, steampunk meant the girls wore edgy vintage looking clothes w/ edgy gothic type makeup in front of a steam engine and holding an owl.  The owl was the coolest participant and seemed to outpose a few of the models.  The blonde meangirl got freaked out by the owl; probably cuz the bird was way smarter then she was.  Yvonne was bored on set and made the mistake of showing it which made the Asian blogger guy blow up at her.  She apologized but he wouldn't let it go.  OMG!  Calm down.  It's not a real world photoshoot.  Unfortunately, most of the girls seemed to be blind to their outfits and surroundings and didn't give fierce attitude in their pictures like they should've.  They really need the teaches.  Mr. Jay was really good at pinpointing what the girl would be doing wrong or what she would be lacking.  This new guy doesn't have that so even though we're halfway through the group, they haven't improved in their pictures.  One girl literally looked like Hermione Granger waiting for the Hogwarts Express.  So the judging ensued and you can see a lot of bias w/ the judges at this point.  I like that the judges give a numerical judging because it makes the bias really blatant.  Anyway, it came down to the viewer votes and Yvonne was sent home.  Yeah, nobody likes a pre-model diva w/ an attitude like that and we could tell, she was over this competition anyway.  Bye!  Go and take a good nap.  You need it.

OMG, I was so happy w/ the premieres of The Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother and Mike and Molly.  They were all exciting and hilarious.  Big Bang has Wolowitz in space but still being screamed at by his mother.  Hilarious!  The only thing was, his hair would've been fly-away in zero gravity which would've really been funny.  Think Wolowitz as Einstein.  Hee hee hee.  Modern family had everybody finding out about Gloria's pregnancy.  Phil said the best line, "Anyone could do it w/ Gloria."   No kidding.  I'm straight and I'd do her.  It was a great episode:  funny, warm, clever and also heartfelt.  I'm thinking they'll probably win an Emmy for it next year.  How I Met Your Mother had the new parents stupid and delirious from lack of sleep due to the new baby.  Thank you, producers, for not showing the baby.  I hate shows w/ babies.  It was funny but got a little annoying halfway through the show.  Mike and Molly were ending their honeymoon but the funniest part of the show was the drunken family taking advantage of their absence.  I find it weird that Mike and Molly are married now but still going to live in her mother's house.  Ew.  Why?  They both have good jobs.  2 Broke Girls was also back and actually kind of funny.  This time they focused on the rich girl's world which is much more fun and the guest star was Steven Webber.  He's funny but his lifted face is getting kind of creepy.  I hate when Survivor is on at the same time as The Middle cuz I always have to enjoy that show in re-runs.  Two and a Half Men actually just rehashed an old script from when Charlie was on it.  I'll bet Lorre thought nobody would notice.  Time to put that show to rest if they're going to do that.  I still say Kutcher's no Sheen.  I'm very disappointed by the dramatic offerings by the networks.  What's up w/ so many crime dramas?  W/ our society getting crazy by the economy and high stress from it, we don't need reminders of situations that could happen tomorrow.  We've realized the corruptness of law enforcement in real life so seeing them on TV is not appreciated.  Sometimes I wish the TV cops would get killed off.  It's time for heartwarming and cozy family dramas like The Waltons again.  We want to dream of happier times.

Okay, well I'm off my soapbox.  This week's going to be a little frustrating w/ even more political crap on tv including the debates.  I have a feeling my TiVo's going to go nuts.  Oh well.  Keep on watching people.  Until next time, stay tuned.

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